For more information, please refer to my scholar google citation profile.

Schwarzkopf, Daniel and Behrend, Susanne and Skupin, Helga and Westermann, Isabella and Riedemann, NielsC. and Pfeifer, R¨ıdiger and G¨ınther, Albrecht and Witte, OttoW. and Reinhart, Konrad and Hartog, ChristianeS. (2013) "Family satisfaction in the intensive care unit: a quantitative and qualitative analysis", Intensive Care Medicine,

FM Vanwindekens, D Stilmant, PV Baret (2013) Development of a broadened cognitive mapping approach for analysing systems of practices in social¨Cecological systems, Ecological Modelling, Volume 250, 352¨C362.

Lampros Lamprinakis. (2012) Organizational Innovation and Institutional Change: The Case of Valio in Finland. Int. J. Food System Dynamics 3 (2): 95-105.

Burns, C. S. & Bossaller, J. (2012). Communication overload: A phenomenological inquiry into academic reference librarianship. Journal of Documentation, 68(5), 597-617.; Post-print:

Laurence Jassogne, Piet J.A. van Asten, Ibrahim Wanyama & Philippe V. Baret (2012): Perceptions and outlook on intercropping coffee with banana as an opportunity for smallholder coffee farmers in Uganda, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, DOI:10.1080/14735903.2012.714576

Huang, Ronggui.(2010) Housing Activism in Shanghai: Opportunities and Constraints. PhD thesis, Department of Public and Social Administration, City University of Hong Kong. Abstract

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